DIY lens cap back side with insulating mat
Canon’s f4/600 is now quite exceptional in terms of aperture, focal length and dimensions. For an exceptional focal length/aperture combination, a separate solution is required to protect the front lens during transport. Since I often use the f4/600 lens without a lens hood and would like a "simple" lens cap to avoid always carrying the superfluous "elephant foot" in my backpack, I looked for a solution.
DIY lens cap front side with riveted polyester strap as handle
Canon and third-party manufacturers do not offer to me a satisfying solution. That’s why I thought about and I researched how to protect the front lens during transport without having to use the original lens cap. In my local hardware store, I found something and came up with the idea of using a canal system cap (160x4). The cap fits perfectly on the lens when the lens hood is not attached. Because the cap was a little too long, I used a metal saw to reduce the height of the cap. Then I attached a handle to the front of the cap (riveted polyester strap), and on the inside of the cap I stuck a trimmed piece of insulating mat. Since then, I have a suitable lens cap that saves space, provided I do not want to use the lens hood.
DIY lens cap on the Canon EF f4/600
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